Last Updated: January 4, 2016By Tags: , , , , ,

A survey by SmartRecruiter of 28,000 bosses details where Millennials are falling short and is just another example to support the huge disconnect costing Millennials their jobs.

Here is J.T. O’Donnell, Founder and CEO of analysis:

1. Employers don’t want to be parents.

Growing up, Millennials were coached their entire lives and they unknowingly assume employers will coach them too. However, the relationship isn’t the same. An employer pays us to do a job. We are service providers. Expecting extensive training and professional development to do the job doesn’t make financial sense. In many employers’ minds (especially, small to midsized businesses with limited budgets and resources), Millennials should foot the bill to develop themselves and make themselves worth more to the employer.

2. The anti-work attitude isn’t appreciated (or tolerated).

As explained here, Millennials tend to work only the minimum time expected–and will push for flexibility and a reduced work schedule to create more time for other pursuits. Being demanding about when and how they want to do their job can be viewed as disrespectful.

Fed-up Bosses – Full Article