
California Senator Reappointed as Insurance Chair Despite Federal Corruption Probe

2025-02-01T15:33:20-07:00February 11, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Controversial, Environment, Policy|

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire reappointed Democratic Senator Susan [...]

California’s Climate Lawsuit Legislation Is A Distraction from the Real Fire Crisis

2025-02-01T15:31:07-07:00February 10, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gas Prices, Global Warming, Health, Natural Disaster, Policy|

California is headed in the wrong direction again. As wildfires [...]

California’s Lithium Battery Fire Sparks Safety Concerns as Clean Energy Push Continues

2025-02-01T15:27:47-07:00February 7, 2025|California Legislature, Controversial, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Policy|

As California speeds toward a greener future, the recent lithium [...]

Report Claims that About 70 Companies Still Need a Female Director to Comply with State Law

2019-11-13T14:55:06-07:00November 13, 2019|California News, Employment / Jobs, Policy|

On Sept. 30, 2018, then Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate [...]

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