Coastal environmentalist Democrats have convinced a few Hispanic Democrats representing some of the poorest parts of the state to support a measure that would force Californians to cut oil and gas consumption in half.
Under Senate Bill 350, all this power would be given to an unelected board, the California Air Resources Board. The legislation does not detail what the ARB will do and those who pass this measure would not be held responsible for any new regulations coming from the ARB.
These state legislators are already floating the idea of charging us a tax for each mile driven and with Teslas costing $75,000 and up, what will happen to disadvantaged communities? How will those who have no choice but to commute, deal with this new regulations? We can’t all take the train or bus – for many locations we have to walk miles to get to our work and homes.
SB 350 is being authored by Latino Senator Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) and Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco)
There are a few black and Latino lawmakers holding out and looking out for the rest of the state.
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