The right to self-defense is among the most fundamental principles of any civilized society. However, California Assemblyman Rick Chavez Zbur is attempting to undermine this fundamental right with AB 1333, a bill that would impose harmful restrictions on law-abiding citizens while giving criminals the upper hand. This proposal is not only reckless but also a direct attack on Californians’ ability to protect themselves and their families in their own homes.
AB 1333 eliminates key protections that justify the use of force in self-defense situations.
This bill by Assemblyman Zbur removes circumstances under which homicide is justifiable, particularly in defense of one’s home or property. It also mandates a “duty to retreat,” meaning that individuals confronted by criminals would be legally obligated to flee rather than stand their ground.
To worsen the matter, Assemblyman Zbur’s bill introduces vague language about “using more force than necessary,” opening the door for crime victims to be prosecuted simply for defending themselves.
What is Assemblyman Zbur’s justification for AB 1333? He wants to limit a victim’s right to self-defense to prevent “wannabe vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse from provoking violence and claiming self-defense after the fact.”
The legislation and justification for introducing AB 1333 is flawed and deeply troubling.
Restricting self-defense protections emboldens criminals and puts innocent people at risk. The notion that law-abiding citizens must retreat or be treated as criminals when responding to a violent threat in real time is absurd and dangerous.
Assemblyman Tom Lackey called it a “complete assault on self-defense,” highlighting the absurdity of forcing a homeowner to second-guess their right to defend their family against an intruder.
Assemblymember David Tangipa expressed the outrage felt by many, stating, “This bill would make it ILLEGAL FOR YOU to defend yourself IN YOUR OWN HOME if a criminal breaks in.”
Law enforcement officials have also sounded the alarm. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco stated that AB 1333 would make self-defense against criminals effectively illegal.
For years, Californians have witnessed a relentless soft-on-crime agenda that has emboldened criminals while leaving law-abiding citizens increasingly vulnerable.
The implications of AB 1333 are chilling. Under this bill, a homeowner who uses force against a violent intruder could face prosecution if the government decides they used “more force than necessary.”
A mother defending herself and her child from an attacker may need to show that she tried to flee before she fought back. This is not justice—it is insanity.
AB 1333 represents a betrayal of common sense. Rather than making criminals more comfortable, lawmakers ought to prioritize holding them accountable.
Californians should contact their representatives, demand the defeat of this bill, and send a clear message that their right to self-defense is not up for negotiation.
The author of Assembly Bill 1333 is Assemblyman Rick Chavez Zbur, the Democratic Caucus Chair of the California Assembly. He represents the areas of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Hollywood.