Here we go again with another tax increase for homelessness. A new proposal to establish a permanent half-cent sales tax in Los Angeles County to fund affordable housing and homeless services has qualified for the November ballot. This measure aims to replace the existing Measure H quarter-cent sales tax, approved by voters in 2017, which funds homeless programs until 2027. Proponents argue the new tax would expand programs to address the root causes of homelessness and focus on prevention.

However, many residents are questioning how much more they will be taxed, given that the state has already spent $25 billion on homelessness over the past five years, and the problem got worse – raising concerns about the effectiveness of current spending and the accountability of funded programs.

Business leaders, like those from the Los Angeles County Business Federation (BizFed), have expressed concerns. They argue that this new proposal feels rushed with three years left on the Measure H tax and would impose a “forever tax” on residents.

As homelessness worsens, even after spending billions of taxpayer dollars, the debate intensifies over the best approach to funding solutions and whether additional taxes are justified, especially given the lack of progress from previous expenditures. 

Also, what about the millions of other people struggling to get by? The frustration is real and growing as residents wonder when this endless cycle of tax increases will end.