California Legislature

California’s Controversial Assembly Bill 15 Sparks Debate Over ICE Cooperation

2025-02-24T21:47:29-08:00March 11, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Immigration, Policy, Security|

California’s Assembly Bill 15 (AB 15), introduced by Assemblymember Mia Bonta, has ignited intense debate over the state’s cooperation with ICE. The bill would prohibit prison officials from notifying ICE when convicted criminals—including those guilty of violent and sex-related crimes—are released. While supporters argue it prevents “double punishment,” critics warn it endangers public safety. Governor Gavin Newsom has threatened a veto, while Attorney General Rob Bonta’s silence adds to the controversy.

Pests Don’t Care About Politics, But They’re Wreaking Havoc on California

2025-02-28T05:52:22-08:00February 28, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Economy, Environment, Family, Featured Article, Health, Latinos, Lifestyle, Policy|

Pests don’t care about politics, but their impact on public health, property, and local economies is undeniable. With Los Angeles ranking as the second “rattiest” city in the nation and infestations shutting down restaurants, it’s time for California lawmakers to recognize that pest control is an essential service, not a luxury.

AB 1333 Forces Californians to Retreat While Criminals Attack

2025-02-27T00:13:06-08:00February 27, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Controversial, Crime, Family, Policy|

AB 1333 is a dangerous proposal that forces Californians to retreat in the face of criminal threats while stripping away their right to self-defense. This reckless bill undermines public safety and emboldens criminals at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

Do We Really Need a Law to Keep Fire Hydrants Working During Wildfires?

2025-02-14T15:55:30-08:00February 20, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Natural Disaster, Policy, politics, Wildfire|

In a state that frequently deals with wildfires, the reliability [...]

California Senator Reappointed as Insurance Chair Despite Federal Corruption Probe

2025-02-01T15:33:20-08:00February 11, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Controversial, Environment, Policy|

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire reappointed Democratic Senator Susan [...]

California’s Climate Lawsuit Legislation Is A Distraction from the Real Fire Crisis

2025-02-01T15:31:07-08:00February 10, 2025|California Legislature, California News, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gas Prices, Global Warming, Health, Natural Disaster, Policy|

California is headed in the wrong direction again. As wildfires [...]

California’s Lithium Battery Fire Sparks Safety Concerns as Clean Energy Push Continues

2025-02-01T15:27:47-08:00February 7, 2025|California Legislature, Controversial, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Policy|

As California speeds toward a greener future, the recent lithium [...]

California Burns While Leadership Fails- The Insurance Crisis No One Is Fixing

2025-02-01T15:19:55-08:00February 4, 2025|California Legislature, Environment, Global Warming, Natural Disaster, Weather, Wildfire|

As wildfires rage across California, consuming homes and displacing families, [...]

Kim Kardashian Now Wants Higher Pay for Inmate Firefighters

2025-01-16T19:10:07-08:00January 24, 2025|Agriculture, Budget, California Legislature, California News, Crime, Wildfire|

Kim Kardashian is championing another criminal justice reform cause, advocating for higher pay for incarcerated firefighters battling Southern California’s wildfires. Supporting a bill by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, the proposal seeks to raise their wages to match the lowest state firefighter pay, addressing fairness while adding costs to California's budget.

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