
After An 11 Year Study: More Water Doesn’t Equal More Fish

2015-10-20T08:47:08-07:00October 20, 2015|Agriculture, Budget, Controversial, Drought, Economy, Employment / Jobs, Health, Lifestyle, Natural Disaster, Policy, Uncategorized|

Since 2014, South San Joaquin Irrigation District and Oakdale Irrigation [...]

Geologist Predicted EPA Project That Caused Toxic Spill Would Fail – Offered Warning

2015-08-14T08:17:28-07:00August 14, 2015|Controversial, Drought, Food and Drink, Global Warming, Policy, Uncategorized, Washington|

Breitbart is reporting that, “Six days before 3 million gallons [...]

Day 1: Demi Lovoto’s Dog Gets “Ripped Apart By A Coyote” Day 2: California Celebrities Launch Campaign Against Wildlife Animal Trappings

2015-08-05T09:14:34-07:00August 5, 2015|Controversial, Drought|

Talk about terrible timing. The day after a wild animal [...]

B-List Celebrities Launch Naive Media Campaign Against Wildlife Predator Trappings

2015-07-30T09:55:37-07:00July 30, 2015|Controversial, Crime, Drought, Natural Disaster, Policy, Uncategorized|

On Tuesday, July 28th, some B-list celebrities announced a “Ban [...]

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