
Turf Rebates Are Failures, “Largely Gimmicks” – 1/2 Gallon A Day Saved

2015-11-23T09:32:28-08:00November 23, 2015|Budget, Drought, Economy, Education, Family, Housing, Policy, Weather|

To the thousands of Californian’s who tried doing their part [...]

Liberal Organization, ACLU, Faults Officers & Departments For Rise In Crime, Not The Criminals or Ballot Measure They Supported: Prop. 47

2015-11-12T07:02:31-08:00November 12, 2015|Controversial, Crime, Family, Policy, Washington|

Some Background: In 2014, California voters passed Proposition 47, which [...]

Bacon, Ham & Processed Meat Alongside Cigarettes As Cancer Causes

2015-10-27T07:42:11-07:00October 27, 2015|Controversial, Economy, Family, Food and Drink, Health, Latinos, Lifestyle, Policy, Uncategorized|

The World Health Organization has classified ham, sausages, bacon and [...]

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