Global Warming

China’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Exceed Developed Nations Combined: A Complex Challenge for Global Climate Action

2024-10-23T09:51:14-07:00October 23, 2024|Global Warming|

According to a new analysis from the Rhodium Group, China, [...]

Court Orders FCC to Re-Think Wireless Harms; Shouldn’t CA Governor Newsom Do the Same?

2021-10-01T11:43:49-07:00September 25, 2021|California Legislature, Controversial, Global Warming, Health|

By Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPH Last month, when the [...]

California Municipalities’ Debt Disclosures Contradict Climate Warnings

2018-01-09T15:00:25-07:00January 9, 2018|Controversial, Economy, Energy, Global Warming, Investment|

The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that “California Municipalities’ Debt Disclosures [...]

CalRecycle’s Failure to Pay e-Waste Recyclers is Killing Green Jobs and Threatening Environment

2016-06-07T09:50:39-07:00June 7, 2016|Controversial, Economy, Global Warming, Lifestyle, Policy|

By: Luis Alvarado, President of Familas Unidas de California Thanks [...]

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