According to scientists in Cambridge, England, if you want to have a healthier and taller baby, you might want to have a child in the summer months.

The researchers fund that babies born in the summer months (June, July and August) did better in three key health areas: height, age of puberty and birth weight.

But why is summer better?

CNN reports: The researchers believe it has something to do with sunlight.  “You’ll notice these optimum months coincide with when we have the most sunlight in the UK,” Dr. John Perry said. When women are exposed to more sunlight in the second trimester of pregnancy they get a higher dose of vitamin D. A vitamin D deficiency has been associated with bone problems for children and for other health concerns, such as rickets. The study does not directly measure the maternal/fetal vitamin D status so the researchers would like to do further research on the topic, but it is an “interesting result,” Perry said, and an “interesting idea.”

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