San Diego’s Organized Crime Takedown Is Just The Beginning
In a scene that has become all too familiar in [...]
In a scene that has become all too familiar in [...]
Kim Kardashian is championing another criminal justice reform cause, advocating for higher pay for incarcerated firefighters battling Southern California’s wildfires. Supporting a bill by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, the proposal seeks to raise their wages to match the lowest state firefighter pay, addressing fairness while adding costs to California's budget.
We’re just as confused as you are. How is looting during emergencies—when families are most vulnerable—not automatically classified as a felony in California? As wildfires devastate communities, District Attorneys Nathan Hochman and Todd Spitzer are calling on Governor Newsom to make looting a felony punishable by state prison, ensuring justice for victims.
What a major screwup. When the Stop the [Los Angeles [...]
Against the will of 9 million California voters, State Senator [...] Fresno Police Chief Jerry P. Dyer gave a warning [...]