To streamline fuel regulations and expand ethanol market opportunities, U.S. senators have reintroduced a bill that would permit year-round, nationwide sales of gasoline containing 15% ethanol, known as E15.

The legislation, introduced by Republican Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska and backed by Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, aims to eliminate the inconsistent state-level regulations that currently hinder E15 sales during the summer months because of environmental concerns.

The biofuel industry and corn farmers have long advocated for expanded access to E15, asserting that it would offer consumers a more affordable fuel option while enhancing agricultural economies. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently limits summer sales of E15 due to concerns regarding smog formation, although industry groups argue that these fears are outdated and unfounded.

The bill has also gained support from the American Petroleum Institute (API).

APIs vice president of downstream policy, Will Hupman, praised the legislation, stating that nationwide E15 sales would eliminate regulatory confusion and ensure stable fuel availability. “Year-round, nationwide E15 sales will prevent a confusing patchwork of state regulations and give consumers reliable access to the fuels they use every day,” said Will Hupman.