
Does Counting Illegal Immigrants Diminish Power of Citizens?

2015-12-07T08:31:05-08:00December 7, 2015|Controversial, Economy, Education, Election, Employment / Jobs, Family, Latino Demographics, Latinos, Policy, Washington|

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case on Tuesday [...]

How Did The Presidential Candidates Respond To the San Bernardino Shootings?

2015-12-03T08:50:07-08:00December 3, 2015|Controversial, Crime, Election, Policy, Terrorist, Washington, World News|

Carla Marinucci put together a quick sample on how the [...]

Bloomberg National Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlements

2015-11-19T09:40:47-08:00November 19, 2015|Controversial, Policy, Terrorist, Washington, World News|

Bloomberg News National Poll: Most Americans agree with Republican presidential [...]

Liberal Organization, ACLU, Faults Officers & Departments For Rise In Crime, Not The Criminals or Ballot Measure They Supported: Prop. 47

2015-11-12T07:02:31-08:00November 12, 2015|Controversial, Crime, Family, Policy, Washington|

Some Background: In 2014, California voters passed Proposition 47, which [...]

Gaming the Visa Program, Costing American Jobs, While Few Giant Companies Benefit

2015-11-19T09:04:57-08:00November 12, 2015|Controversial, Employment / Jobs, Immigration, Policy, Washington|

The New York Times, Julia Preston, put together a detailed [...]

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