Latino Marketing

Verdict Reached in Mortgage Fraud Scheme that Targeted Sacramento’s Latino Community

2019-05-21T18:32:45-07:00May 21, 2019|California News, Controversial, Crime, Housing, Latino Demographics, Latino Marketing, Latinos|

In April, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced that two Sacramento [...]

3 Reason Why Millennials Are Getting Fired

2016-01-04T06:22:44-08:00January 4, 2016|Controversial, Education, Employment / Jobs, Family, Latino Demographics, Latino Marketing, Latinos, Lifestyle, Uncategorized|

A survey by SmartRecruiter of 28,000 bosses details where Millennials [...]

Univision and Telemundo Popular Among Older Latinos; Younger Latinos Prefer English Media

2015-10-20T08:25:43-07:00October 20, 2015|Family, Latino Demographics, Latino Marketing, Latinos, Lifestyle|

The Latin Post reviews a new study co-authored by MAGNA [...]

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